Cosmos Operations - Data Center Solutions COPS

Data Center > Solutions

Fast Forward Managed IT

Data Center Solutions


We realize your data center

We offer you tailor-made IT so­lu­tions for the highest se­curity, reli­ability and per­for­mance. From planning and imple­men­tation to on­going opera­tions, we take care of all tasks so that you can con­centrate on your core business.

Maximum efficiency for your business > in Munich > in Germany > around the world


Services at a glance

Colocation and connectivity solutions

Provision of phy­sical space (rackspace), power supply, coo­ling, se­curi­ty systems and cloud- and carrier-inde­pen­dent net­work connec­tion in the data center. For econo­mi­cally effi­cient data centers.

Cloud Services

Infra­structures, plat­forms and soft­ware in the form of cloud com­pu­ting, in­clu­ding IaaS (Infra­structure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Soft­ware as a Service). For future-oriented business solutions.

Managed Services

Manage­ment of the IT in­fra­struc­ture with asso­ciated peri­pherals in the data center, in­clu­ding servers, net­work infra­structure, storage so­lu­tions, back­up and re­covery systems, power supply, UPS, air con­di­tioning tech­nology and security systems. For highly avail­able IT.

Security solutions

Imple­men­tation of physi­cal and di­gi­tal security mea­sures, fire­walls, en­cryp­tion tech­no­logies, moni­toring and access control. For the best possible protection of your data.

Network services

Provision of high-speed net­works, re­dun­dant Inter­net connec­tions and VPNs. For reliable connec­tions and secure data transfer.

Data back­up and di­saster re­covery

Auto­mated, redun­dant back­up solu­tions as well as plans and systems for re­sto­ring data in the event of a failure or di­saster. For un­interrup­ted work and maximum data security.

Storage and data management

Pro­vision and manage­ment of sto­rage solutions for large amounts of data, in­clu­ding scalable and high-per­for­mance storage systems. For big data and sen­si­tive com­pany data.

Scal­ability and flexi­bility

Solutions for scal­able IT re­sources that can be flexi­bly adap­ted to your needs to support growth and changes in IT require­ments. For future-proof IT.

Energy and cooling ma­nage­ment

Effi­cient, sustain­able and un­interrup­ted pro­vision of power and coo­ling. For the safe operation of ser­vers and IT systems at opti­mal tem­pera­tures and mini­mal ener­gy con­sumption.

Support and monitoring

Round-the-clock moni­toring of sys­tems and net­works as well as tech­nical support to quick­ly identify and resolve prob­lems. For safe ope­ration with­out dis­rup­tion and mini­mal down­time.


Full-service for your data center

  • Analysis + Consulting
  • Concept development + Planning
  • Purchasing + Installation
  • Migration + Setup
  • Data security + System security
  • Connection + Availability
  • Monitoring + Maintenance
  • Expansion + Scaling

On-Site / On-Premises / Private / Colocation / Cloud


Partner for first-class data centers

With state-of-the-art infra­struc­ture, 24/7 moni­toring and compre­hensive support, we en­sure opti­mal avail­ability and protect your data from failures and cyber attacks. Trust in our ex­per­tise for scal­able so­lu­tions that grow with your require­ments.

Enjoy the advantages of a perfect IT infra­struc­ture.

Planned by experts. Implemented by experts.


Fast Forward IT Management

With extensive project experience (since 1991) in setting up state-of-the-art data center - our IT experts are there for you.

Phone +49 (0)89 451 503 900


Data Center Solutions
CosmosOperations München CosmosOperations - Fast Forward Managed IT
Klenzestrasse 23, 80469 München, Germany
+49 (0)89 451 503 900
+49 (0)89 451 503 999
Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 09:00-18:00,11.5754648,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x479ddf61a346eee3:0x924c6351f054d0e6!8m2!3d48.1323411!4d11.5776535?hl=de
Klenzestrasse 23 (Rgb.)
German English