Performance Computing


Performance Computing for Maximized Performance

Solve your most demanding computing problems with us

We optimize your IT systems - for more power and better performance. We plan and operate scalable, flexible high-performance IT systems. With our advanced, high-performance solutions for cloud hosting, application hosting, software as a service, virtualization, data storage, artificial intelligence, big data, analytics, simulations and computationally intensive super-computer applications, we help you to optimize your business processes.

Performance gain

If performance is everything and speed brings the decisive competitive advantage, a powerful IT infra­struc­ture is necessary. We optimize IT systems for performance so that you can achieve promising results faster.


The use of highly available and scalable data centers offers a higher level of reliability and security. This can reduce operating costs and increase efficiency with automated business processes.


CosmosOperations offers you a strong business relationship, perhaps with the decisive advantages ...

  • diverse expert knowledge
  • ex­tensive tech­no­logy know-how
  • ex­ten­sive com­pe­tence network
  • All Service Phases - Planning, Archi­tec­ture, Imple­men­tation, Manage­ment & Opera­tion from a single source


Phone +49 (0)89 451 503 900

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